Cartoons and Comics

K is for Kari
I've done several birthday gifts that incorporate a child's name or initial. This was the fourth one I'd done, and it is by far the best and my favorite. It's apropos that it's for the sweetest little girl in the whole world, Kari Ruth Given, my daughter. My wife keeps reminding me that our son, Harrison Blake Eddied Given, doesn't have one yet. While I work on that, you can work on this picture. See how many "K" objects you can identify (I see more than 40). July 1991.
Copyright © 1991 Craig Edward Given

H is for Harrison
In 2000 I created this picture for my son's (Harrison Blake Edward Given's) birthday. Instead of the "K for Kari" approach, where everything was based on the letter K, this is a collection of Harrison's favorite subjects. He's a lot like me when I was his age, and he loves bugs, animals, science fiction, mystical beings, and creatures of the imagination. He's an artist, too, and draws Pokémon, aliens, dinosaurs, and magical creatures.
Copyright © 2000 Craig Edward Given

Saber-tooth Sheep
Whether you pastor a mega-church or shepherd a small Sunday School, you've learned that the flock can be hostile. And if you're like me, you've wondered if James 3:1 ("Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment." NAS) referred to the judgment dispensed by the saber-tooth sheep in your congregation.
Copyright 2003 Craig Edward Given

I Decline
Copyright © 1980 Craig Edward Given

Two Heads
Copyright © 1980 Craig Edward Given

Chattacon XIII
This pen & ink piece was my submission for Chattacon XIII, a science fiction and fantasy convention held in Chattanooga each January. This design was specifically for the convention's 1986 T-shirts and plays off the city's famous Chattanooga Choo-Choo and Lookout mountain (profiled in the background) while incorporating futuristic elements such as the laser-light train rails.
Copyright 1986 Craig Edward Given

Chattacon XIV
This pen & ink piece was my submission for Chattacon XIV, a science fiction and fantasy convention held in Chattanooga each January. This design was specifically for the convention's 1987 T-shirts and plays off the city's famous Chattanooga Choo-Choo while incorporating futuristic elements.
Copyright 1987 Craig Edward Given

Fish House
I've always loved Roger Dean's organic look, and this is my attempt to emulate that style.
Historical note: as a young artist, art materials can be expensive so any blank paper is welcome. This was drawn in pen and ink on the back of stationery from Orlando's Re-Elect Nixon Campaign Headquarters. They didn't have much use for it after he resigned.
Copyright 1978 Craig Edward Given