
 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is vaccination or masking required?
A: No

Q: What’s the atmosphere like?
A: It’s a casual, family-friendly environment.

  • Games are often new to the players. We allow “take backs” and retroactive actions if not too much time has elapsed.

  • Vulgarity, short tempers, and bad manners are not tolerated.

  • Our laid-back style tends to reflect in our game choices: we haven’t played games heavy with “take that!” or player elimination. They aren’t prohibited, just not what’s typically played.

Q: Are there pets at the venue?
A: We have a small, older dog. She may bark when you arrive, but if you ignore her, she’ll go back to bed.

Q: How many players can you accommodate?
A: Inside the house we have a large 7 foot table (with leaves that extend it to 9 feet). That easily seats 6 and 8 respectively and accommodates larger boards and component-rich games. There are also multiple card tables that we can use to to break up into smaller groups for multiple games. However, the driveway only holds 1 car, so we ask that you park (1) next to our house (on the road running beside our back yard), or (2) at the nearby clubhouse and we can shuttle people back and forth.

Q: How late do you play?
A: 10PM is the most common, but we’ve gone as late as 11:30PM if needed to finish a game.

Q: Do you only play one game per week?
A: It’s based on the game, and since we mostly play medium weight games, there is only enough time for a single game on those nights. If the game is short, players often opt to play it again, play a short “filler,” or call it a night.

Q: Can players veto a game?
A: Yes, on moral grounds. For example, Secret Hitler, Cards Against Humanity, The Blessed Dark, Septima, etc. But we don’t veto games based on just preferences. For example, we had a member that didn’t like co-ops. Consequently, we did not play as many of that type, but we did play them some.

Q: How heavy of a game is the group willing to go?
A: We play medium games. Look at our calendar of past sessions to get an idea of what weights we typically play. The heaviest (to me) were Panamax and Maracaibo. Anything more than 4 hours would keep everyone up late on a weeknight and should be a rare exception.

Q: Do you offer any amenities?
A: We use a neoprene gaming mat and offer cup holders that keep drinks off the table. I have upgraded tokens, metal coins, poker chips, etc. that can be used to make games more enjoyable. Sometimes there is a playlist that matches the game’s theme.

Q: What are the “unwritten rules” for the group?
A: Be respectful and kind to each other. Some ways that is reflected:

  • Be patient, dependable, and punctual.

  • Treat games with care and respect (don’t bend cards, keep drinks and messy foods away from the play area, don’t riffle shuffle sleeved cards, etc.).

  • No cheating.

  • Play to win (or grin), not to bully or humiliate

  • It’s okay to dislike a game, but not to ruin the experience for the other players (e.g., being negative, random, vindictive, etc.).

  • Don’t interrupt the person teaching the game or in the midst of their turn.

  • Practice good hygiene and good manners.

  • Don’t be focused on your phone.